
The module can be installed using the script:

python install

Before doing that, you might like to run the unit tests:

PYTHONPATH=lib python -m unittest -v

For Python 2, it might be necessary to include the command discover after the unittest module name. If successful you should see a number of test cases being run.

Integration Tests

This package also includes further integration tests which test the complete system. These tests are stored in files named ti_*.py to avoid them being found by unittest discovery with its default parameters. They all use the Python “client” module but a variety of “server” scripts.

  • Python

    The tests using a Python “server” script can be run directly from this package:

    PYTHONPATH=lib python -m unittest discover -v -s 'ti-python' -p 'ti_*.py'
  • Other Languages

    The following tests all require a Taco “server” script for the corresponding language to be installed in your search path.

    • Perl

      PYTHONPATH=lib python -m unittest discover -v -s 'ti-perl' -p 'ti_*.py'
    • Java

      PYTHONPATH=lib python -m unittest discover -v -s 'ti-java' -p 'ti_*.py'